To JJ on your 7th birthday,

My sweet JJ!  No one celebrates birthdays quite like you. You will count down 364 days until the next, but today is finally your day.  You have a zest for life like no other and fill our days with laughter, joy, and oh so many surprises. With you, we never know what we’re gonna get. Everything about you is BIG - your heart, your emotions, your love. And you have grown my heart exponentially, overflowing with love for you. 

You, my friend, never ever ever stop talking. Even in your sleep. You have nonstop questions and often seem much older than your seven years. Your vocabulary, your way of phrasing things, your humor - is spectacular.  Truly, you’re one of a kind.  You’ve been my little buddy since day one. You’re always near {and by near, I mean within a foot of me}, always wanting to snuggle, and constantly telling me you love me. You always question if I’m your favorite, begging me to tell you that you are and that you’ll keep it a secret. “Wink, wink 😉”.  And I put that in quotes because you literally say, “Air quotes... wink, wink!” I cannot help but smile ear to ear with you.  You’re my most favorite JJ in all the world. Your freckles and dimples are my favorite. Your eyes, that suddenly changed on me two years ago from the bluest of blue to green, are my favorite. Your hysterical laughter that floods the house.  Your sneeze that is the loudest thing I’ve ever heard in my life that sounds more like a scream.  Your endless wit. Your ability to make us laugh out loud without even trying. Your sensitive heart for the Lord. Your desire to be loved so deeply.  It’s all my favorite.  You are so special to me.  There’s only one Jeremiah Steven.  Even the fact that you are called JJ is so random and what you insisted on since you could speak.  People are often surprised to find that your middle name does not, in fact, begin with a J.  You walk to the beat of your own drum and I simply love that about you. I’ve called you my little firecracker since you were a baby and it still rings oh so true.

My prayer for you, JJ, is that you take that HUGE heart of yours and use it to serve the Lord. That you take all that energy, your dynamic personality, and your vivacious spirit to share of His love.  That you use that huge desire to feel loved, to show love to others. For it is better to give than to receive.  And you have SO much to give.  I pray that you will see yourself as He sees you - as dearly loved. 

Though the time always seems to get away from me and I wonder how we got here - to yet another birthday - where I am normally a bit sad and extremely sentimental, I find myself just thankful. I am thankful to know you, to have the joy of being your mom, and cherish every single second I have had with you.  From the moment in the middle of the night that I first laid eyes on you and held you after what seemed like endless labor, to tonight celebrating you at your birthday party - it has all been a blessing. A joy. A privilege. I don’t take a second of it for granted. 

I love you my sweet boy, forever and ever, no matter what. Infinity times infinity time infinity. I know we will have this conversation later tonight, debating who loves who more. Neither of us ever win. I think it’s a tie.  But always remember, God loves you even more than that.  

Happiest birthday JJ.  All my heart,



A heart that wants you first


For I know the plans...