THE GLORY OF GRIEF explores the why’s, how’s, and what’s of our grief. Drawing from my own experiences and Biblical accounts, it unpacks the differing stages of grief, and reveals how God can transform our pain into a greater purpose. It speaks to our calling as Believers to suffer alongside Jesus and shows how we are to reflect His glory through our suffering.


UNLOVABLE is a project God placed on my heart from the time I was a young girl. I’m excited to share the testimony of God’s goodness in my life of overcoming abuse, betrayal, and the lies of the enemy towards walking in the freedom of His love.



An excerpt from the Introduction:

“As I've walked a journey, wrestling with the after-effects of abuse, misunderstandings of my identity, and coming face to face with the unimaginable, God has redefined my view of faith. As the story unfolds - or rather, as it is still unfolding - there's one thing I could never deny. God is with me, God is for me, and He promises to work all things for the good of those that love Him. In my darkest of days, His light shone. My heart yearns for more of Him, less of me, and a better understanding of His character.

God is love. Love has no meaning outside of God, for it only exists in Him, through Him, and because of Him. It sounds so simple and yet also impossible to wrap our finite minds around. In the greatest act of love, He became our sin to pay our penalty. "By His wounds, we are healed." Yes and amen. I do not understand it, I do not deserve it, but I long for it. Knowing the depths of who I am and my depravity, I also know my unworthiness to the fullest. There are no conditions; it is a free gift. We must only believe and receive it.  

I believe with all of who I am. That's no question. My greatest struggle is operating in the knowledge and truth of who He says I am.  Within a broken world in the midst of sin and pain, how do I embrace the fullness of His sacrifice and my true identity?  When all I feel is unlovable, how do I embrace being fully known and fully loved by God?  My feelings do not diminish who He is, so how do I settle into Truth, throwing aside the weights holding me down?  That's what my heart longs to unpack.  This is my journey into freedom and embracing His deep love for me.”

Friends, you are LOVED. Let’s learn to walk in His love together.