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Past Events

“You don’t have to understand your circumstances or your pain, but you can trust that He is working it for your good.”

Melissa shared her testimony at Faith Family Church on June 19, 2022 in their series, Through the Fire - Stories that Inspire Hope.

She Believes Conference

On October 22, 2022, Melissa Stevens spoke at the She Believes Women's Conference in Keokuk, Iowa.

In her opening message, Melissa shares her testimony alongside the story of the woman at the well found in John 4. She encourages the women to come to know that: 1. You are deeply loved by God 2. When you encounter Jesus, He changes you 3. His pursuit of our hearts requires obedient faith.

In her second message, Melissa continues to share her journey of faith and poses the question that Jesus asked his disciples, "Who do you say that I am?" She challenges the women in exploring the following questions: 1. What is faith? 2. What does Jesus say about faith? 3 What does faith look like?