At all times.

God is good at all times. In our joys, in the mundane, and yes - even in our sorrows.

He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8) Although our times and circumstances are constantly changing, His character remains the same. When all of life may feel uncertain, we can trust that He is constant and our seasons are in His hands. We can rest, knowing He has a plan and a purpose.

I’ve been sitting in two Psalms lately, reading them over and over again - Psalm 34 and Psalm 75. Everyday, I see something anew.

Though written by different authors, both land at the same conclusion.

David proclaims, “I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak His praises.” (34:1)

Asaph declares, “But as for me, I will always proclaim what God has done; I will sing praises to the God of Jacob.” (75:9)

No matter what, praise will be their song. David was running for his life when he made this proclamation. You see, our only response to God is praise. He is the author of all things good. Death, sickness, pain, evil - all things bad - are a result of sin. People often want to blame and question God for their troubles, but this couldn’t be more misdirected. God doesn’t cause any of it, but still chooses to rescue us. You see, God could have left us in our sin, but He didn’t. He sent a Savior to redeem, restore, heal and make all things right.

But we must choose Him.

Both Psalms speak on the justice of God. He alone is the judge and He alone will settle both the wicked and the righteous. Until that time, He watches over the righteous and hears their cries for help (34:15), is close to the brokenhearted (34:16), comes to our rescue each time we face trouble (34:19), protects us (34:20), and redeems us (34:22). There are so many promises found within this song.

As evil persists, the day of the Lord draws near. May we be found righteous in His sight. May we lay hold of these precious promises reserved for His people.

May His praise ever be on our lips.

*My precious girl. When I of joy, I think of her. She is literally the most positive person I know. When she's sick you would barely know it. If she falls down she quickly gives a thumbs up and says, "I'm okay, mom!" She smiles, she laughs, she constantly speaks about Jesus and says that God loves her more than anyone. She begins each day saying, "I am a child of God, I am strong, I am beautiful, I am smart, I am loved." She lives her life counting down to Sunday because she loves to go to church. We had to miss church this week because she was sick and she asked me, "Can we please do Sunday School at home? I wanna hear the lesson." I look at her and marvel at the light she carries, which I know comes straight from Jesus.


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