First Day of School

What a morning. I was up bright and early before the sunrise and Eva wasn’t too far behind. Her ear-to-ear grin was priceless, showing her readiness for the day. We took our time getting ready - showering, painting her nails to match her dress, and finding the perfect apple clip for her hair.

I cannot help but reflect on this new season. Seasons of change can catch you off guard, even when you know they’re coming. It’s a monumental day to send my last baby off to Kindergarten after sixteen years of having one of them home. But God so graciously throws in those sweet full circle moments. I realized as I was checking my Facebook memories this morning that eleven years ago today, Silas began his first day of Kindergarten. That may seem small, but precious to me nonetheless.

We took all the photos, we dropped off all her supplies, we prayed over our girl, and will anxiously await 3:15 p.m. to pick her back up. I cannot wait to hear about all her new adventures. But I do hope she remembers what I whispered to her on the way out. “You are beautiful, you are strong, you are brave. I love you, my girl. You will do great.”

My sweet Eva Lou, you were born to shine. This is only the beginning of the BIG plans God has for your life.

“She leaves a little sparkle wherever she goes.”


Who do you say I am?

