To Eva on your 6th birthday

My sweet girl. Your day is finally here. You’ve been counting down with excitement for months and I cannot help but be excited for you. You are six - and that is big stuff. Although it doesn’t feel possible to be here already, it is my joy to watch you learn, grow, and just be you.

Because YOU are pure light. You make every day better and bring sparkle to every room. Your enthusiasm, your smile, your sense of humor, and your absolute cuteness make my world go round. Not just mine - but our whole house. I say it every year, but your name means “life” and that’s just what you bring to us.

This year you are in Kindergarten and loving every minute of it. You’re thriving as you’re learning to read, soaking in so much knowledge, and spending time with your friends. You are a little social butterfly and never meet a stranger. I love that about you.

Your favorite thing in all the world is cheetahs. You want to be a veterinarian and a zookeeper when you grow up and your dream is to travel to Africa - to see the wild cheetahs, of course. You love pink, you love music, you love dance, you love food. You are passionate about so many things. Especially your family. You adore your bubbys, your daddy, your Logey Bear and Lola, Mamaw & Papaw, and you tell me I’m your bff. I’ll take it!

You can’t wait to lose your first tooth. Don’t worry, you’re close! You have four loose teeth as we speak. You’re learning to fix your own hair and love to dress yourself these days. You do have pretty good style, I must say. Your new favorite accessory are the pink hair clips I got to add a little flair to your hair. You love it and rock it. You’re simply the cutest.

My favorite thing about you is your love for Jesus. You talk about Him all the time. You have started to write “I love God” and “Jesus” everywhere. You tell me He talks to you. I believe you are going to shine your light BRIGHT for Him. You will be a world changer, sweet girl. I am thankful for your heart and the pure love that it holds.

I pray for you everyday, my sweet girl. In this next year, I pray you continue to pursue your love of Jesus. I pray you tell of Him wherever you go. I pray He uses you to bring joy to everyone you encounter. I pray you continue to grow in love and grace.

You are one of the greatest joys of my life. I love you forever and ever, no matter what. It’s an honor to be your mommy. Happiest sixth birthday, my Eva Lou. Celebrate your heart out.

All my love,





Grief and Thanksgiving