The Goodness of God

A little over three months ago, we celebrated Silas's thirteenth birthday and I remember that night so distinctly.  We had his party at Dave & Buster's and it was the culmination of just an all around great day.  We successfully pulled off a surprise party, he had an absolute blast, and this made my momma heart extra happy knowing he felt so loved and celebrated.  Walking to the car, I noticed one of the most beautiful skies I had ever seen.  The combination of the storm clouds and the sunset was beyond breathtaking.

I started my car and immediately turned on my apple music, as I was listening to a new album.  A song came on that I heard for the very first time, Goodness of God, and I was struck by how beautiful it was.  I said it aloud a couple of times - wow, this is SO beautiful.  Driving home watching the sunset, listening to this song, I remember feeling so at peace.  

The goodness of God.  It's easy to proclaim God is good when things are going well.  When life is falling into place.  But what about when it's not.  I'm still reading the book, You'll Get Through This, and just read the chapter, Is God good when life isn't?  

Is God always good?

He is.  The thing is, we are not God.  We cannot see the whole picture.  We see just a minuscule speck in the timeframe of eternity.  Max Lucado puts it this way, 

"We must let God define good.  Our definition includes health, comfort, and recognition.  His definition?  In the case of His Son, Jesus Christ, the good life consisted of struggles, storms, and death.  But God worked it all together for the greatest of good: his glory and our salvation.  

At some point we all stand in this intersection.  Is God good when the outcome is not?  During the famine as well as the feast? Do you want to know heaven's clearest answer to the question of suffering?  Look at Jesus.  He exacts nothing from us that he did not experience himself.

God owes us no more explanation than this.  Besides, if He gave one, what would make us think we would understand it?  Might the problem be less God's plan and more our limited perspective?"

He is always good.  I claim that in the good days and in the not so good days.  "What is coming will make sense of what is happening now.  Let God finish His work.  Good days.  Bad days.  But God is in all days.  He is the Lord of the famine and the feast, and he uses both to accomplish His will."  

I apologize for quoting half the chapter, but it really spoke to my heart and I wanted to share.  What truth!  Even in the midst of the "famine", I can see how God has beautifully woven so many things together.  How he prepared me.  How he prepared us.  One day I will be able to share so many more details and I will love to share of His tender mercies and graciousness towards us.  He is working and I will trust in and sing of His goodness all of my days.  I cannot wait to see the story unfold.  That may sound so crazy right now, but it is also so true.  God makes beauty from ashes.  I will wait on God to accomplish His work, His purpose.  And I will proclaim it to whoever will listen, because I have tasted and I have seen that He is good.  No matter what. 

"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." 2 Corinthians 4:17

"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." Romans 8:18


the waiting room.


diving head first.