to Eva on your third birthday


You are three, my sweet girl.  To know you, is to know joy, and laughter, and fun.  You could not be more full of life and I have always loved how fitting your name is to your sweet personality, as it means life.  I love how God works that way.  You have been a joy to all of us since the moment you entered our world.  I'm not sure there could have been a more anticipated arrival - your brothers are your biggest fans and love you like no one else.  I hope you appreciate this just as much as when you start dating.  

Your personality emerges more with each day.  Your vocabulary is through the roof and we are always saying to one another, "did you hear what she just said?!".  You love school, your friends, your teachers, and well, anyone that shows you interest.  You have people smiling wherever you go, as you wave to everyone you pass and put on your charm with your ear to ear grin.  I'm pretty sure you know exactly what you're doing.  You could not be more girl.  You have strong opinions on what you wear, how you want your hair, and ask for cheeks, eyebrows, and lips every morning.  As soon as you are dressed and ready for the day you twirl round and round like a princess.  You will say, "I'm so beautiful, mommy!"  or "I'm a princess."  You're obsessed with every princess, but particularly Anna & Elsa.  If I would let you wear your Elsa dress every single day, you would.  

I am beyond blessed to have you as my daughter and as you would say, my best friend.  You wake up every morning and say, "I love you mommy!  You my best friend.  Forever & always."  It's our routine to say it to each other.  Before bedtime, too.  I love that you know how much you are loved and pray you always do.  Most importantly, I pray you come to know and love Jesus with all your heart.  One of my favorite things is listening to you pray and hearing you sing your heart out to Jesus in the car.  You love to sing, but particularly love praise and worship music.  It melts my heart.

I've watched you grow so much this year and transition through one of the most difficult situations imaginable.  Your middle name, Louise, means fighter, and I believe this to be true as well.  As we continue along into this next year, I pray God continues to grow in you strength, confidence, and resilience.  As you grow and learn more about Jesus, I pray you cling to Him and hold Him close to your heart, because He is everything.  Each night we pray, "Dear Jesus, thank you for loving me, for protecting me, for saving me..." and I await for the day you do receive Him as your Savior.  This is my deepest desire and prayer for you, my precious girl.  

I adore all of you.  I was so scared when I found out I was having a girl, because all I knew was boys.  My heart had no clue what it was missing - and that was you.  I love our sweet bond, our special times together, and our friendship.  I know it will continue to grow as you do.  I am beyond thankful for your life, for your joy, for your enthusiasm for life.  You have been the brightest light in all of our lives this past year.  I pray this next year brings even more joy, more laughter, lots of pink & princesses, all the tutus and twirling skirts, loads of ice cream & sprinkles, endless dancing, and singing at the top of your lungs.  I love you forever and ever, no matter what.  Always know you are so special and dearly loved by God and by all of us.  

All my heart,




