to Eli on your 12th birthday

My sweet E,

I could fill a book of the things I adore about you.  You blow me away every. single. day.  And, that's not an exaggeration.  Never in my life have I met someone so compassionate, so loving, so genuine.  You are a quiet soul, but dynamic.  I don't want anyone to miss you - to miss who you are.  Because, you could easily be passed over or not seen because of your quiet nature.  But you are a treasure to know, to love, and to parent.  

You are diligent, responsible, and kind.  You will not give up on a task.  I've seen you bring work home from school to complete, up late studying for a test, and since quarantine have seen you work way past school hours to complete your work.  I wake up and you have showered and walked the dog all on your own.  When your sister asks you to play, when everyone else says "no", you jump in and play for hours.  Because that is who you are.  You have a GIANT heart.  You serve others, not out of duty, but out of genuine love and care.  You will quietly go along with what others want because you love to see others happy.  I came home from work one day recently and after a conversation you had overheard between your brother and me, you hung a hammock swing on my patio door as a surprise.  I am your mom and so part of my nature is to be partial, but I have never met anyone with a heart like yours.  You are a true treasure.  I know that is likely hard for you to hear, because you are also humble.  Truly.  Eli, you are a blessing and I learn from you all the time.  I want to be just like you when I grow up!

You are brilliant.  I love to hear your thoughts, because they are well thought out.  You choose your words carefully and wisely.  You are not someone that is in everyone's face and I often have to work to get an opinion from you.  Papaw bought every dessert imaginable for your birthday because you haven't yet decided what you want.  Eva said she wanted cake, so you wanted to choose cake, even though it's not your favorite.  So, we have brownies and ice cream and cake and anything else imaginable, hoping you will tell us what you really want.  When I asked what you wanted for your birthday, you were worried about budget and telling me what you wanted.  I asked for a list of things and you finally sent it to me after days of thinking.  You seriously make me smile ear to ear.

You are so easy going and chill.  You move to the beat of your own drum and your own timing.  I have learned not to rush you and my boy, you are worth the wait.  Your thoughts are worth hearing, your ideas are worth turning into reality, and your patience is beautiful.  I pray that you find confidence to see yourself as God sees you.  I pray for confidence to see your value and your worth, because you are a gift.  God has designed you to do brilliant things.  The thought and care you put into every task honestly blows my mind.  You recently spent hours every single night for an entire week working on a project.  You had an idea and you made it come to life with construction paper, scotch tape, and cardboard.  You created your own game and it was an actual masterpiece.  I still have no idea not only how you accomplished it, but how you had the patience to do it.  Only you.

You are truly one of a kind and I adore every ounce of you.  I want you to know, to embrace, to feel how much you are loved.  If you had one downfall, it would be that.  You do not see yourself how everyone else does.  I pray you do not get lost or confused with what the world defines as success, but you will discover what God sees.  Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart.  It is so easy to look at others and compare anything and everything, but I pray you don't fall into that. Keep seeking after God and use that massive heart the way God created it - to continue loving and serving others.  I believe with all my heart that God is using you and will use your life for His glory and to advance His kingdom.  

I love you to the moon and back, forever and ever, no matter what.  My cup runneth over, sweet Eli Jackson.  My heart had no idea what it was in for when I first laid eyes on you.  I love you so much it physically hurts.  I am sorry for the ways life hit so hard this past year and didn't turn out the way you had hoped or expected.  I know it has crushed you on so many levels and you hurt and feel that pain on the daily.  But, we are in it together.  You, me, our family, and God at the center!  We got this.  Thank you for inspiring me every day.  

With all my heart,


Today, officially twelve.


to JJ on your 8th birthday


journeying into year two.