to JJ on your 8th birthday

My favorite JJ,

I love you more than anything in the whole wide world ever.  That's what we say to each other every day - more times than I can count.  You never want me to forget how much you love me and the feeling is mutual, my sweet boy.  You have always been my little buddy, my little cuddle bug.  Since your brothers were older and besties, you became my little sidekick from the get go.  You still want to be snuggled up to me and touching me if at all possible.  You love me to scratch the back of your head or hug you.  

Oh JJ.  You bring life and laugher to us all.  I could write endless books of the funny, mind blowing, wise beyond your years things that come out of your mouth.  I remember you being 2 or 3 and you'd say something and my jaw would drop to the ground - "wait, what?  You are two!"  You are wise beyond your eight years.  You don't show all the sweet sides of your personality until you've gained someone's trust and boy are you a hard one to crack.  You are so funny and sarcastic, but equally sweet.  I think you save most of the sweet for me, because you know you've got a hold on my heart.  You make me laugh on the daily and you seriously bring so much light to my life.  I don't know what I would do without my green-eyed, freckle faced boy.  I adore every freckle and that ear to ear grin that crosses your faces when you're being mischievous or goofy.  I absolutely cannot think of you without smiling.  I am obsessed with everything about you.  When you randomly text me throughout the day, when you come to work with me and tell my boss you are trying to get me fired so you can spend more time with me, when you will say my name one hundred thousand times just to say "I love you."  I love how you tell me I'm the best mom in the whole world and how you wouldn't want any other mom.  I love how you love Jesus and always tells me how Jesus is taking care of us.  I love that you are so concerned with money... let me clarify, I hate that you are actually concerned, but I love that you think and care.  That shows just how big your heart is.  You have a giant, protective heart and you make it clear I am your number one.  You love who you love BIG.  You're a bit skeptical of everyone else... but you do have room in your heart once they win you over.  

Jeremiah Steven, you are one in a million.  Yes, fun fact - everyone assumes your middle name starts with a "J".  It does not.  We planned to call you Jay after your Uncle Jay and you were known as Baby Jay for the first two years.  Somehow you started calling yourself JJ and refused to answer to anything else.  You know what you want and always have.  I am convinced you have the world's most sensitive taste buds because you are so selective in what you eat.  We cannot fool you.  You only like one chocolate milk and that's the one from Ralph's with the white cap.  If it's out and we try to pour another brand in the same jug {without you seeing}, you know it's the wrong one.  You will only eat Yoplait Vanilla light yogurt with the blue top, are a connoisseur of Jack in the Box chicken nuggets, and have a list of maybe 10 other things you'll eat.  I keep saying that you're not gonna be 20 and eating chocolate milk and yogurt everyday, but I've been saying that for about six years now, so we shall see.  You're the sweetest mess I've ever known.  Of course I mean that in the most endearing way possible.

Your capacity to hear and understand the Word of God is one of my favorite things about you.  You actually received your academic award in Bible this year and it didn't surprise me a bit.  The depth of your understanding at such a young age simply blows me away.  One day recently you were crying and really upset about our life circumstances.  You told me, "Mom?  Sometimes it just feels like a rock.  But it reminds me of the story of Job.  God allowed so many bad things to happen to him, but Job kept his faith.  And God honored that.  I believe God is going to do that for us, Mom.  He is going to restore us."  Jaw. to. the. ground.  I love you, my precious boy and yes, God is going to restore.  I love YOU, your heart, and your most endearing personality.  There is only one Jeremiah Steven Sniff in the world, and I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE MINE.  Really, you are God's, but you know what I mean.  I love you forever and ever, no matter what, to the moon and back.  You're my favorite JJ in all the land.

With all my heart, 


At 12:49 a.m. on June 10, 2012...
you STOLE my heart.

You are a dream. 
You have the BEST personality.

I love your dimple, your freckles, and that ever so expressive face.
Me + you = happiness

You've always been my goof.

Look at that smile at only 2 months 
Still my boy! 


walking through "high lows"


to Eli on your 12th birthday