To Eli on your 13th birthday,

My sweet Eli,

The calendar says you are a teenager, but I promise you were born just yesterday.  It sure seems like it anyway.  Though time is never on a mother's side, I am so beyond proud of and happy for you.  I am blessed and honored to have a front row seat to the work of God in your life - to how He is growing and changing you.

Thirteen is a milestone.  It marks a period in time where you are transitioning from boyhood to manhood.  And oh do I see so much maturity in you - I always have.  Over the years I have often prayed that you would come to see yourself as I see you.  That you would grow in God confidence and in who He created you to be.  Though more quiet by nature, when I see you I see strength, wisdom, diligence, perseverance, and a servant's heart.  I am reminded of Gideon in the Bible.  He was a young boy, out threshing wheat in a winepress.  When the angel of the Lord approached him, he said, "The Lord is with you, mighty warrior."  This is not yet who he was, but who he would be.  I want to encourage you.  If you take the gifts God has given you and use them for His glory, you will be a mighty force.  I believe that and proclaim that over you.  You are a mighty warrior, Eli Jackson.

You have grown and changed so much this past year.  Physically, the difference is unbelievable.  When I look at you, there is no resemblance of a boy anymore.  Rather, your outside more resembles your insides - mature.  And there's no doubt I will be looking up to you in this next year.  Eli,  I am proud of you.  You have persevered in tough times, you have pushed through, and you have come out on the other side.  I see a light in your eyes and a hope that I haven't seen in a long time.  I am encouraged in where you are heading and all that is to come.  I also promise to be with you each step of the way - whenever you need me physically, emotionally, or prayerfully.

I've always used these letters to speak on where you are in your life - your favorite foods, what you're learning, what you enjoy.  This year feels bigger.  Different.  I've seen the adventurous side of you.  I've seen you make things with your hands, learn to shoot a bow, desire to go kayaking & biking, and challenging yourself physically in the gym.  It's exciting to see you discover the things that you love and to see your cautious nature turn into quiet confidence.  

Whether eight pounds or now weighing more than me, I love every ounce of you.  I love your heart.  I love your personality.  I love your jokes.  I love your smile.  Because when you smile, you smile with your whole self.  It gets me every time.  

In this next year, I pray continued healing and restoration over you.  I pray you continue to grow your relationship with the Lord and find your gifting and calling in Him.  May you find abundance and favor over your life.  May you feel His presence with you always.  I pray you are bold, strong, and courageous in each new venture.  I pray you know without question His love for you and our love for you.  You are loved without measure.

I pray you learn the following:

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."  Dream God sized dreams.  Find all that He has for you.  

"Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up." Always look up and you'll never get lost. (Fun fact, Your name means "high" or "elevated" or "my God".)

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."  Never stop knocking on His door.  Call out to Him always.  He will make a way.  

"With God all things are possible."  Your faith is everything.  Believe and trust in the One who made You for a specific purpose.  He will guide and direct your paths.  You have everything you need to do what He called you to do.

All my heart, 





journeying into year three.