Looking to 2022.

As 2021 comes to a close, I cannot help but think back on all the Lord has done. It’s been a continued season of healing and growing, of laughter and tears, of joy and also some really hard. But we have seen His goodness abound.

Each year I pray for a word for the upcoming year to focus on. A word for God to grow and bring forth change in me. Last year my word was “favor”. Here is a portion of what the Lord put on my heart regarding favor:

The word He gave me for 2021 is favor. What does it mean to walk in God's favor? I believe it's walking in our true identity - in how He sees us, through the power of the Holy Spirit. I believe it's submission and doesn't come without sacrifice.

I believe that's what the Lord wants to show me in this upcoming year - His strength in and through me, His favor over me, and to have confidence in what He has prepared for me. My purpose is not someone else's purpose. I must trust in the gifts and abilities He's put in me, to accomplish His will.

Over this past year, I did one of the biggest things and hardest things to date - I wrote a book. I could tell you that putting my heart and story on a page is exciting and terrifying all in one. It’s something I believe the Lord put on my heart as a young girl - if ya wanna hear that story, it’s in the book - and this process was one of submission and obedience. I am trusting Him with the outcome. To God be the glory.

I gotta be honest, I’ve been praying for a word for 2022 for quite some time. God put a word on my heart a couple of weeks ago and I’ve been wrestling with it. Are you sure that’s the word? What does that even mean? As with years past, He makes it known and doesn’t waver. So here we go…

My word for 2022 is “fix”. 

Stops you in your tracks, right? I didn’t get it either, so I kept praying. The only thing that kept running through my mind was that King and Country song, “Fix my Eyes.” You’re welcome if you know the song because now it’s not leaving your head.

“No, this isn’t a good word, God. Give me something else, please…”


So I looked up the definition.

1 : to become firm, stable, or fixed. 3 : to direct one's attention or efforts : to focus

Firm. Focused. Directing attention on. Okay. 

What are we looking at? Or more importantly, Who? Isaiah says to forget the things of the past and look at the new - to look at what God is doing right now. Hebrews tells us to fix our eyes on Jesus. He is the One that directs our path, makes our paths straight, and leads us on the path of righteousness.

Hebrews 12:1-2 says, “Let us also lay aside every weight…and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus…”. Some versions say, “fixing our eyes on Jesus.

I came across this verse in Proverbs 4:25-26, “Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure.” 

So I believe it comes down to this:

We will see whatever it is we are focusing on. There’s a lot going on in our lives. There’s still so much pain we are working through, anxiety and grief cycles in our children, an upcoming trial, and lots of unknowns. They feel like BIG things. Things I can’t fix. That’s exactly the point, right? So, will I focus on the problems or focus on Jesus? Will I focus on the past or focus on the path ahead? I want the kind of faith to see Jesus in each and every step. 

As I was praying, I came across this, “We need to be very intentional and deliberate about fixing our eyes on Jesus. If we fill our minds with other narratives, we will lose our hope and confidence. But if we gaze on Jesus - His majesty, power, authority, glory, splendor, perfection, wisdom, and love - we will be on our knees in worship.

I must fix my eyes on Jesus. I must keep an eternal perspective in all things. I have to see the victory in all things because He is Lord over it all. He already has a plan and is already at work. Even with this soon to be released book - I cannot think of all the what if’s and land on my insecurities. I have to focus on what God said and allow Him to do the rest. Not my will, but His. I want my faith to be so focused that nothing can sway me - not my circumstances, not my feelings, no one thing.  

I cannot help but think of Peter when he stepped out of the boat in Matthew 14. When he was looking at Jesus, he walked on water. The second he looked away he began to sink.

We will see the storm, or we will see Jesus. We will be swayed by the wind, or we will walk on water. We will see the waves, or we will see our Savior that is more powerful than the waves. We choose.

And that my friends, is my word for 2022. I pray your eyes will be fixed on Him as well.


A fresh Perspective


to Eva on your 5th birthday.