to Eva on your 5th birthday.

My sweet, spunky girl.  Today you are five.  A whole hand full and maybe sometimes a handful.  You go from zero to one hundred the moment your eyes peep the sun and keep at it 'til way past bed time.  Daddy established a rule in our house that once pajamas are on, it's time to quieten down.  It doesn't always work because well, you exude life, energy, and joy.  It's who you are.

You let us know all day yesterday that it was your last day as a four year old.  You've also consoled us that you'll still be cute, so I'll say we have a deal.  Five it is.  

If I had half your energy, I'd still go a million miles per hour.  You're pretty much always smiling, running, playing, or singing.  Oftentimes, all at once.  There's no missing you in our house.  Your laughter fills every corner of the house and your footsteps are like a herd of cattle in the basement (so I'm told).  You love food and sometimes have two breakfasts or lunches, one upstairs and one downstairs.  The second you're done with dinner you ask what's for snack.  You're not picky though.  You love sugar and vegetables equally.  Candy or celery, no problem.  You love to pretend you're a cheetah, your favorite animal.  You can role play for hours on end, even having a purr that sounds so real its unbelievable.  You plan to be a veterinarian, a singer, a chef, a ballerina, and the list goes on.  You're a girl of many talents and interests.  We've told you that "with God all things are possible" and you take that to heart.  

You love singing, which also fills every corner of our home.  You can make up a song on a whim and also love to sing pray.  Those are my favorite prayers.  You love Jesus and talk about him all day long.  He is with you and talks to you.  You love singing to and for Him.

You are quick on your feet and talk like a thirty year old.  You continuously have us laughing til we cry.  Your energy is electric.  I'm pretty sure there's not a room you walk in that doesn't bring smiles along with it.  Your joy is a gift to all that encounter you.

You exude both beauty and strength.  You're all things girl and yet as tough as they come.  I wanna be just like you.

You were so sweet when you had your tonsils out this year.  The anesthesiologist was preparing us for when you would wake up.  He said he'd never seen a child not wake up really disoriented and somewhat grumpy.  When you saw me, you looked up at me and simply smiled,  "Hi momma.  Can I have a popsicle?" as you nuzzled your face against my hand.  You are the sweetest of sweet.

My girl, my prayer for you is that you never lose your light, your confidence, your faith.  I pray you never stop dancing, never stop smiling, never stop singing, never stop talking about your Jesus.  I pray you take your caring spirit and use it to minister to people.  I pray you share your faith with the world, proclaiming the reason for your joy to all who will listen.  

I am so thankful to be your momma.  I could never have prepared myself for the gift that is you.  Thank you, Jesus.  I pray this next year brings you your "pet" cheetah, endless new songs, lots of ice cream & sprinkles, dates with daddy, light pink and light blue (but not purple), dancing & twirling, big water slides, sunshine & rainbows (but also snow just like Elsa), and as much magic as you bring to us all.  

I love you forever, no matter what.  You're the sweetest girl I know.

All my heart,



Looking to 2022.


to Calvin on your first Father's Day.