to Calvin on your first Father's Day.

It’s your first Father’s Day.  And oh, what a story.

When I think of your story and how it intertwined with ours, I cannot help but stand in awe of our God.  Looking back we can truly say as Joseph said, “God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done.”  I also firmly believe the rest of his statement applies, for “the saving of many lives.”  I stand on that because our story is a testament to God and I wholly believe there’s a bigger story at work.

You always wanted to be a dad but life took you elsewhere.  When God redeemed you at the age of 30, it would still be 7 more years until you found us.  You had begun to think that maybe that wasn’t in the cards for you.

When our life turned upside down, I was left without a husband and my children without a father.  Though that desire was on my heart and I believed God could do it, the enemy whispered that no one would ever want me or my four children.

But, God.  God had a plan to bring our lives together, all in His perfect timing.

From a 37 year old bachelor to suddenly married with four kids, life changed in a whirlwind.  And you have handled it with grace.  In fact, you were built for it.  For us.  There’s no other explanation.  I could try to put words to it, but we know how beautifully it fits and how God filled in all the missing pieces.  God knew every detail and miraculously interwove our family.

Seeing this beautiful representation has caused me to think of how our God loves us.  Ephesians 1:5 says, “he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will.”  It’s one thing to be born into something.  It’s another to be chosen.  Never would I have imagined having a blended family.  In fact, in being divorced there were parts of me that felt broken.  But God puts things back together again (Eph. 1:8-10, Jer. 17:14).  He is masterful at it.  He brings beauty forth from ashes (Is. 61:3), He restores double fold (Zech. 9:12, Job 42:10), He restores and makes us strong (1 Peter 5:10).  And that is what He has done for us.  

A stepfather is one who “steps up”.  You have chosen to be a provider, protector, father, and friend.  I read somewhere that though you may not have given life, you bring life.  That couldn’t be more true.  You make our lives better by speaking life, demonstrating life, and pouring out life.  You didn’t have to choose us, but you did.  And for that, we are so grateful.  And so loved.  

Thank you for being a man of God.  Thank you for loving us so well, even with all our baggage, hurt, and pain that still coincides.  This may not be the easiest path, but it’s God’s path.  If there’s one thing we’ve learned it’s that God doesn’t call us to easy.  I am thankful to walk this road with you and excited to see what’s ahead.  The greatest days are yet to come.

Happy Father’s Day to my love and the greatest dad to our children.


to Eva on your 5th birthday.


to JJ on your 9th birthday