To JJ on your tenth birthday,

To Jeremiah, on your tenth birthday,

My sweet JJ, today is a special day. You have reached double digits, AND it’s your golden birthday. As I reflect on the past year, I am in awe of you. I cannot but praise Jesus for the miracles I have seen in you this past year. Buddy, year nine was a year of remarkable pain, endurance, growth, and incredibly hard work. But - YOU did it. You put in the work and came out on the other side stronger than ever. I am honestly in tears writing this because I am so proud of you. My heart has broken for you, and now my heart rejoices for you. Really, this isn’t the typical letter you’d expect to write a 10-year-old. Sometimes I wish it was all sunshine and rainbows and that I could erase your pain. Sometimes I wish you could just be a little boy and not carry all that you’ve had to carry on those tiny shoulders. I wish your brain could slow down, and you could think of things that kids your age do - I honestly am not sure what that is! But here’s what I know. I know God is with you and has never left you. I know He has GIANT things in store for your life and will use you in remarkable ways. I know there is purpose in it all and that you are seen and loved.

JJ, when people meet you, they recognize pretty quickly that you’re smart. But you are so much more than that. You are wise beyond your years and always have been. When they crack your shell, they’ll find the kindest, funniest kid around. They will find a loyal friend and a compassionate soul. And more recently, they will see that ear-to-ear grin that lights up a room. I am so glad we found that smile again.

You melt me and always have. You have been my little buddy by my side since day one. When you were born, your brothers were in school, so it was just you and me. They were very the best of friends, so you became mine. I will always cherish the days we had together, just the two of us. And then, you prayed for a sister. I’ll never forget how you sang to my belly when I was pregnant every. single. day. You were never jealous of her but welcomed her into our tribe. You became her little protector and friend.

You amuse me daily. You’re quirky, but you’re mine. You’re the most finicky eater - probably in the world. People have begun to describe you as young Sheldon, and well, they’re not wrong. You are a lover of music, of Minecraft, of milky ways, of chocolate milk, of George Washington (the bird, and the school), more recently of legos, and most of all - Mom. You have my heart and you always will.

My boy, my prayer for you in this next year is that you will live carefree. I pray you will continue growing in your faith and purpose. I pray you will take every ounce of your pain and use it for good. I pray you will be a light to every single person you encounter. I pray you become confident in who God created you to be. I pray you will throw off every weight, every insecurity, every lie the enemy would have you believe - and that you will run your race, eyes fixed on Jesus. I pray you will be bold and courageous wherever you go.

You are my sunshine. I love you forever.

All my heart,



Childlike faith


To Eli on your fourteenth birthday,