To Silas on Your Sixteenth Birthday.

I cannot wrap my head around this monumental birthday. Sixteen. Wow. You told me today that your childhood is almost over. Although I laughed, on the inside, I’m in disbelief. I have to be the typical mom and say, “it feels like yesterday.”

It’s true. It really does.

But, here we are. And there’s so much to say about you. You’re a remarkable young man. You are a gifted learner, have a way of absorbing knowledge that blows me away, have found your passion in life - music - and have a million ideas of things you would like to do in life. I love your passion and drive. You want to write, you want to compose, you want to travel the world, you want to play every single instrument. And I have to say, you have the capacity to do anything you want. When you put your mind to something you love, it’s brilliant.

It’s a joy watching you grow into a man. I’ve seen you thrive and excel is so many new ways this year. You’ve stepped up and taken so much ownership in your responsibilities. It’s been fun to watch you join all things band - marching band, concert band, jazz band, pep band, show band, taking private lessons - all while making straight A’s.

Things that you’ve loved this year include Hamilton (still)(you’ve watched it hundreds of times), your rubics cube, Clarke the snake, Lola forever and always, JoJo’s Great Adventure (I hope I got that right), Dune, and obviously your Jazzer (the saxophone!).

Silas, my prayer for you in this next year is that you will find your identity in Christ. I know so many things in your life have been hard and confusing. I’ve watched the pain and the struggle. I’ve heard your heart and walked alongside you in the unimaginable. I pray that God takes all that pain and uses it for good. I pray you find Him in it because He is in it with you. I pray that your heart will continue to process and find the freedom that only comes from Him. I pray every day for your complete healing, and I trust God for it.

I couldn’t be more proud of you. I love you more than I could ever say. You told me yesterday, “At this time, sixteen years ago, I was getting ready to be born.” You’re such a nut - and yes, I could never forget that. You made me a momma and turned my world upside down for the BEST. I love how much you still love me and how you won’t go to bed without hugging me and saying goodnight. I love that you miss me when you’re away. I love your hundred texts throughout the day, all your silly stories, and even all the memes and videos you make me watch. You bring me joy, laughter, and oh so much fun.

I am so happy to celebrate YOU on this special day. I am over the moon about your gift and cannot wait to surprise you. Happiest sixteenth birthday, my boy.

All my love,



surrendering to faith.

