Two Years

Two years with you.

It’s both hard to believe it’s already been two years and yet also feels as though we’ve always been. That’s the funny thing about time. The fact that our family flows so naturally speaks volumes to not only how well we work, but how divinely orchestrated our union was by God. He brought us together, writing two stories into one. It’s my favorite love story.

Leaving behind year two and stepping into year three, I cannot help but reflect on all we’ve overcome. We took a giant leap of faith, fully trusting and fully obeying what we knew the Lord spoke. Thinking back on it now, it sounds absolutely crazy. But I’m so thankful we didn’t look back, didn’t look to the right or to the left, but kept our eyes fixed forward, on Jesus. There truly is great reward when you follow the Lord’s steps.

Following doesn’t always mean easy. We have been through the thick of it, continually navigating our children through so many changes and walking alongside them in their grief. This was never just the union of the two of us, but a complete family. And boy did we come complete - 4 kids, 2 parents, 2 dogs, and a lifetime of stuff. You lovingly embraced us all, your life dramatically shifting. But I believe you found your perfect fit - as a husband and as a father. It’s what you were created for. That, and serving the Lord in ministry.

Thank you for loving not only me, but all of us. Thank you for giving of yourself every single day, putting us first. Thank you for providing, caring, and sacrificing on the daily. I am so thankful to know this kind of love - a love I’ve never known - and to know it with you.

Happiest anniversary. The best is yet to come.


Enough for Now


It’s Okay to Not Be Okay