To Silas on your fourteenth birthday...


My eyes well of with tears thinking of the person that you are and the young man you are becoming.  It has been quite a year - the worst imaginable.  And you have handled everything with a strength beyond your years, with grace, with love, and so much maturity.  But, I cannot say I am a bit surprised.  You have always blown me away, but this year did nothing but affirm that even more.  Though it can be easy to fall into that "it's not fair" or "you don't deserve this" mindset, I fully believe our life circumstances will all be used for good.  God has big things in store for you.  I pray that you come to see it, believe it, and claim it over your life as you continue to grow into maturity in Him.

You are a hard one to crack, meaning you do not show your emotion very easily.  But, I know the core of who you are and behind all of the dry humor, sarcasm, and teenage nonchalant demeanor you carry is a giant, sensitive heart.   You care deeply for those you love, even if you don't always know how to show it.  If there's one thing you don't want to be misunderstood, it's your heart. I see it when you think someone doesn't understand something or hear what you are saying.  It's not about being right or wrong, but your character.

You and I have always had a special relationship and to this day you will not go to bed without coming in my room to kiss my head, give me a bear hug, and tell me you love me.  You are not the slightest bit embarrassed to call me "mommy" or be seen running to give me a hug.  You have always been so protective over me and now even more so.  I love how much you love.

You are who you are and don't really care too much about status quo.  I love that you own it.  There's a special confidence in that - although, I do keep waiting for the day you suddenly care about what you're wearing and whether or not your hair is combed.  It's gotta come eventually... right?  Regardless, you are genuinely fun to be around.  You are always there for a conversation, enjoy a good debate, and love to challenge ideas.  You are brilliant and love to use that incredible mind of yours.  It is a true gift and I pray you use it to serve the Lord.  From the time you were a young boy, to when you were running for 3rd grade class president, to this very day, I have believed you could change the world.  You are so dedicated to the things you care about.  In this upcoming year and as you continue to grow, my prayer is that you cling to Christ like never before.  I pray that you surrender all the hurt, the baggage, and use the gifts He put in you to make a difference.  This can be the most confusing of times, not only because of your age, but because of life circumstances.  I pray you run to Him.  Though we cannot make sense of everything at this time, I know that one day we will look back and see the full picture.  I pray for you and our family continuously and claim victory over our lives.  Even when we don't see it or feel it, He is working and moving.  I know you are exactly where you need to be at this time - surrounded by a church and a school that deeply cares for you.  I pray that you can break down some of the walls that you are holding up and let that big heart shine even more, because you have so much to give!

You are a gift.  I love you more then words could ever express.  You made me a mom fourteen years ago and my life was forever changed.  In many ways, I have grown up and learned so much with you.  Thank you for being a remarkable kid, the best brother, and the most amazing son!  I love you forever and ever, no matter what.  My cup runneth over.

All my love,


my story.


I surrender.