to Eva on your fourth birthday

My sweet Eva Louise,

You are four.  How can it be so?  The moment you were placed on my chest, something changed in my heart in that instant.  You were different and delicate in a way I had never known or experienced.  I've said it before, but you were everything I never knew I needed.  You were the perfect completion to our world of boys.  You had been prayed for for years by your brothers and brought instantaneous joy.  You still do.  You bring light and love to every room you enter, and your joy is infectious.

I've told the story of your name many times, but it is oh so fitting to who you are.  I wrestled and pondered over your name for quite some time.  I knew I wanted a Bible name, but nothing sounded right.  I came upon Eva, the latin form of Eve, and it just made sense.  Eva means life and you are certainly that.  Louise means fighter, which you are as well.  You are the perfect combination of feminine and strong.  You are all things girly, but will jump in and hold your own with the boys.  You're not afraid of anything and have learned to say, "girls don't give up" and "with God, all things are possible".  More than anything, that's what I want you to know and learn - that You can do all things though Him.  I pray that Jesus is the light that shines out from your heart and that He is your life.  You've already fought battles bigger than many and I've seen you come out on the other side not just surviving, but with laughter and joy.  You are a warrior, my sweet girl.  I have spent many a night next to you, praying over your heart and your life.  I know and wholeheartedly believe God has big things for you.

This year has been an adventure and you have come to life even more.  Though I haven't been able to speak to you like your older brothers, you have understood so much.  You often tell me that Jesus is in your heart.  I'll never forget laying next to you in bed one night as you brought your hand to your chest and began patting your heart.  You looked me in the eye and said, "Mommy.  Jesus is making me a new daddy.  A daddy, just for me."  Yes, sweet girl, He did.  He hears the cries of our hearts and I know He heard yours.  And you are the apple of his eye.

Your favorite things are pink, rainbow, "lunicorns", kittys, and anything sparkly.  Combine any of the above and you are in heaven. You love singing at the top of your lungs, dancing, your Logey bear, eating all the things, and playing with anyone that will play.  You are everyone's friends.  You have the biggest and best imagination and can play alone for hours.  You love to cook and love to help.  You have a bigger appetite than anyone in the house and can out eat any of your brothers.  You are not partial to anything, loving fruit, veggies, meat, and candy alike.  Okay, well maybe you would eat sugar all day if we'd let you.  Sometimes you want "to eat healthy" and other times proclaim, "I love junk!"  There's never a dull moment with you and you often seem much bigger and wiser than your four years.

You love school and love our new house.  You "want to stay in this hotel forever." All the moving has been a bit confusing, but you've adapted like a pro.  You seem bigger by the day and refuse to stop - I asked, but you simply cannot stop.  One of my greatest joys is watching you grow.  You truly are a gift to everyone you meet and I am thankful I get to be your Mommy.  I pray in this next year you will continue to grow in your knowledge and understanding of Jesus, continue to love BIG, and spread your joy to everyone you meet.  I pray this is your best year yet and for God's blessing and favor upon you.  Never stop singing, dancing, or laughing.  You are a gem, my Eva girl.  I love you more than words could ever say.  My cup runneth over.

All my love,



three months

